text($markdown); } class Post { public $id; public $title; public $slug; public $date; public $is_draft; public $data; public $html_content; public $html_excerpt; public function __construct($dict) { $this->id = $dict['post_id']; // FIXME, hide when not used? $this->title = $dict['post_title']; $this->slug = $dict['post_slug']; $this->date = $dict['post_date']; $this->is_draft = $dict['post_is_draft']; $this->data = $dict['post_data']; $this->html_content = mk_markdown($this->data); $this->html_excerpt = null; // Read more... $segments = explode('---', $this->data, 2); if (count($segments) > 1) { $this->html_excerpt = mk_markdown($segments[0]); } } } function cx_post_make_slug($title) { $alnum_title = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]?/', '', $title); $slug_components = explode(' ', $alnum_title, 10); $slug_components = array_filter($slug_components); $slug_components = array_values($slug_components); // re-index $slug = join('-', $slug_components); $slug = strtolower($slug); return $slug; } function cx_posts_add_post($site_id, $title, $slug, $date, $draft, $data) { $creation_time = $update_time = time(); if ($slug == null) { $slug = cx_post_make_slug($title); } if ($date == null) { $date = $update_time; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO posts ( post_site_id, post_creation_time, post_update_time, post_slug, post_date, post_is_page, post_is_draft, post_title, post_data, post_data_version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'; cx_db_exec($sql, $site_id, $creation_time, $update_time, $slug, $date, false, $draft, $title, $data, 1); } function cx_posts_update_post($post_id, $title, $slug, $date, $draft, $data) { $update_time = time(); if ($slug == null) { $slug = cx_post_make_slug($title); } if ($date == null) { $date = $update_time; } $sql = 'UPDATE posts SET post_update_time = ?, post_slug = ?, post_date = ?, post_is_draft = ?, post_title = ?, post_data = ? WHERE post_id == ?;'; //LIMIT 1;'; cx_db_exec($sql, $update_time, $slug, $date, $draft, $title, $data, $post_id); } function cx_posts_delete_post($post_id) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM posts WHERE post_id == ?;'; //LIMIT 1;'; cx_db_exec($sql, $post_id); } function cx_posts_get(int $limit = 0, bool $include_drafts = false) { $sql = 'SELECT post_id, post_slug, post_date, post_is_draft, post_title, post_data FROM posts WHERE post_is_page == FALSE'; if ($include_drafts == false) { $sql .= ' AND post_is_draft == FALSE'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY post_date DESC'; if ($limit > 0) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit; } $sql .= ';'; foreach (cx_db_query($sql) as $post) { $p = new Post($post); yield $p; } } function cx_posts_find_post($post_id) { $sql = 'SELECT post_id, post_slug, post_date, post_is_draft, post_title, post_data FROM posts WHERE post_is_page == FALSE AND post_id == ? LIMIT 1;'; foreach (cx_db_query($sql, $post_id) as $post) { $p = new Post($post); return $p; } return null; } function cx_posts_find_post_id($post_slug) { $sql = 'SELECT post_id FROM posts WHERE post_slug == ? LIMIT 1;'; foreach (cx_db_query($sql, $post_slug) as $post) { return $post['post_id']; } return null; } function cx_pages_get() { $sql = 'SELECT post_id, post_slug, post_date, post_is_draft, post_title, post_data FROM posts WHERE post_is_page == TRUE AND post_is_draft == FALSE ORDER BY post_creation_time DESC;'; foreach (cx_db_query($sql) as $post) { $p = new Post($post); yield $p; } } cx_setup_register(1, function() { cx_db_exec('CREATE TABLE posts ( post_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, post_site_id INTEGER, post_creation_time INTEGER, post_update_time INTEGER, post_slug STRING, post_date INTEGER, post_is_page BOOLEAN, post_is_draft BOOLEAN, post_title STRING, post_data BLOB, post_data_version INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(post_site_id) REFERENCES sites(site_id) );'); });